
Online vehicle registration for AY 24-25 permits is open from July 22nd through September 2nd.
  • 所有学生(住在校内或校外)必须在停车服务办公室登记车辆,并获得有效的停车许可证,以便在校园或授权的城市街道上停车.
  • 学生不得将车辆停放在校园周围的塔金顿管家社区的街道上. A legal commitment filed by the City of 印第安纳波利斯 requires 博彩平台排名 to enforce this.
  • 许可证受可用停车位数量的限制. 校园居民的许可证通常在7月份就已经售罄. An online wait list will be posted for 学生 who still wish to obtain a permit.
  • In AY 23-24, 281 Students received a permit offer from the wait list prior to move-in weekend. 这个过程很重要,可以让博彩平台排名在获得所有许可证之前接收并解决医疗需求和课程所需的交通问题.
  • 每学年开学第一天将开始对未登记的停车行为进行执法.

所有大学的停车设施都由许可证制度管理. 利用这些停车场, you must have your vehicle registered with the University Police Department. 这些地块每周7天,每天24小时都受到监控. 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 将车停在计价器空间或停车场的附属机构必须在其车辆上登记有效的在校停车许可证.

Annual permits are valid from the date of purchase through August 20 of the next academic year. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to know the expiration date and renew as necessary.





  • 用胶带固定窗户的许可证. 许可证是一种贴纸,可以自己贴在窗户上.
  • Leave your permit lying on the seat, dash, or the back window of the car.

所附许可证必须与车辆登记相符. 许可证必须贴在后窗左下角. If you have a convertible top, you may place the permit on the lower left corner of the windshield. Motorcycle permits must be displayed on the windshield, if applicable, or the front fork.


学校不负责丢失的许可证. 确保你的许可证贴在车的后窗上. 你可到本处申领补领许可证 泊车服务处位于印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯日落大道4702号,500套房,46208. 如果许可证被盗, a police report must be filed in order to receive the replacement cost of $5. If the permit is lost, the cost of a new permit is the regular current price of the permit.

遗失或被盗的许可证找回, 必须立即归还停车服务处. Use of a lost or stolen permit may result in a citation or impoundment of the vehicle.